Mentor Link now on Amazon Smile

Posted on 31/10/2018

Mentor Link is now registered with  Amazon Smile  so that we can receive donations every time you shop with Amazon.

How does Amazon Smile work?

When first visiting customers are prompted to select a charitable organisation, so please choose Mentor Link! Amazon will give 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT and other shipping fees) of eligible Smile Amazon purchases to the charitable organisations selected by our customer.

Amazon are increasing the amount they donate by TEN TIMES per purchase between 29 October and 2nd November!

So a great excuse for buying that item you’ve been thinking about!

Case Studies

Caiden’s Story


Please click here to watch one of our brilliant new videos about our great mentoring partnerships: this is Caiden and Pete.

Terri’s Story


This is Terri's Story. Please click here to watch her film and find out more.